i7242 | Xingyu Yan 一吃一大碗, 一睡一整天

Simple PLA

About PLA

This is only a simple/naive PLA that only on 2D for visualization, and didn't consider any noise or training/validation skills.

It follows the fundamental of PLA. Assume we have points=[1,x,y]points = [1, x, y] and labels{1,+1}labels \in \{-1, +1\}. A line ax+by+c=0,w=[c,a,b]ax + by + c = 0, w = [c, a, b] separates points into two categories.

  • Given ww, we know it classifies a point pp by:

  • Given its lable ll, if its classification is wrong, then:

sign(pTw)l<0sign(p^Tw)\cdot l < 0
  • Then we can update the ww / line by:

wnew=wold+plw_{new} = w_{old} + p\cdot l


The core part of PLA is simple as:

function pla_train(points, labels, iter = 500)
    w = rand(3)
    for i in 1:iter
        for idx in 1:size(points)[2]
            u = points[:, idx]'w
            if u*labels[idx] < 0 
                w += points[:, idx]*labels[idx]
    return w

function pla_predict(points, w)
    labels = sign.(points'w)

Other part of the code, including generation of train/test data set is here.

Test & Results

The points labeled by red/blue colours are ground truth labels. Ground Truth

After training, the training data set is classified as: Training Result

Use the testing data set, we got: Testing Result

There were no miss classifications by counting:

sum(result_test .!= labels_test)

This was because the generated data is linear separatable, whithout noise. It's too simple 😹😹.


Machine Learning Fundations