i7242 | Xingyu Yan 一吃一大碗, 一睡一整天

K-means Clustering


This is just an implementation of K-means algorithm. It is not intented to have a generic API, but I can improve it in a later time.

Assume inputs are represented as m×nm \times n matrix, where:

  • each column is a data point

  • mm is the dimension of vector

  • nn is the number of points

Get Some Test Data Sets

Befor coding, we can generate some test data for later use. Following code randomly sample centrics in a region, then generate data points around centrics. It is easy to observe the square shape around the boundary, but for our purpose this doesn't matter.

  get random point set represented as array of real numbers
    Attention: these parameters are only used to generate random points,
      they are not constraints on results!
    n: number of points to generate
    d: dimension of points
    r: radius around zero point
    k: number of groups (can't be guaranteed actually, just random generated)
    σ: deviation for points around k centers

function get_random_points(n::Int64, d::Int64=2, r::Int64=4,
        k::Int64=2, σ::Float64=1.0)::Tuple{Array{Float64, 2}, Array{Float64, 2}}
    centroids = (rand(Float64, (d, k)) .-0.5) .* r
    deviations = rand(Float64, (d, n)) .* σ
    sub_count = floor(Int, n/k)
    for idx in 1:size(deviations)[2]
        deviations[:,idx] .+= centroids[:, min(ceil(Int, idx/sub_count), k)]
    return deviations, centroids

The Algorithm

The algorithm is actually not long. Given matrix of m×nm \times n as point set, where mm is the dimension of data, nn is the number of points. Also provides how many clusters we want to get, e.g. kk.

The algoritm first randomly pick kk centroids and assign each point to a cluster, then it iterates as following:

  • update the cluster assignment

    • for each point, calculate its distance to all centroids

    • find the cloest centroid, assign the point to that cluster

  • update the centroids

    • for every centroid, calculate its possition using the latest points assigned to it

The iteration stopes when the assignment does not change between two iterations, or reaches a limit.

function k_means_clustering(points::Array{Float64, 2}, k::Int)::Array{Int64,1}
    new_tags = rand(1:k,size(points)[2])
    old_tags = zeros(Int64, k)
    centroids = rand(Float64, (size(points)[1], k))
    iterations = 0
    while new_tags != old_tags && iterations < 5000
        iterations += 1
        old_tags = copy(new_tags)
        for i in 1:size(points)[2]
            new_tags[i] = argmin(sqrt.(sum((centroids .- points[:,i]).^2, dims=1)))[2]
        for i in 1:k
            centroids[:, i] = sum(points[:, new_tags .== i], dims=2)/
                size(findall(x->x==i, new_tags))[1]
    return new_tags


Running aboved defined functions we can generate data then clustering it. The results are ploted:

points, centroids = get_random_points(100, 2, 2, 3)
tags = k_means_clustering(points, 3)

Points before clustering

  • Points before clustering. The 3 red points are the random base points when generating the point set.

Points before clustering

  • Points clustered and assigned with colors.